Photo Blogging Challenge-'Tis the season

December 31, 2016  •  3 Comments

This month for the photo blog challenge the theme is 'tis the season.


For my first picture I'l be a little "punny" and say that it 'tis the season to be of good CHEER!  Haha.


I've been trying to do an annual picture of my husband and myself, and here is the one for this year:


I also do Christmas card photos for my brother's family


Finally, here are a couple of our tree

kathymphoto-20161225_MG_3929.jpgkathymphoto-20161225_MG_3929.jpg kathymphoto-20161225_MG_3931.jpgkathymphoto-20161225_MG_3931.jpg


I'd love to hear your thoughts on the pictures in the comment section below.

To keep up on more pictures like these, follow me on Instagram





Denise/Mrs. GeoK(non-registered)
Hi Kathy and Happy New Year. What a nice big star atop your beautiful Christmas tree. I loved your punny start to this post. Your cheerleading squad photo is phenomenal. Same cheerleader in seven poses/outfits? I really like how you balanced it out, using colours, postures and placement. She probably loves, loves, loves this!
Great photos, especially the Christmas card one - really warm feel to it. Have a great 2017.
Very creative CHEER! :-)
What a nice couple you are!
Happy new year!
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